When we decided this year to revisit how effectively we communicate our company values and what sets us apart from other software agencies, we knew immediately where to turn for help with defining those things more clearly.
Having already built a successful, collaborative partnership with Brighton-based Puree Design, working on some of our flagship projects together, most notably Book My Garage and Enable, we asked Puree to help us develop our brand strategy and to lead us through their 4 step SEED Design Process.
We had a great time exploring our brand values in workshop sessions with Puree, discovering how to distil down to the core values that define us as a company. We also learned how to use archetypes to project a consistent personality and engage more deeply with our audience through the language we use and the design we created to depict our brand.
Whether you’re at the beginning of your business development or have many years behind you, we’d really recommend this process of looking at your brand and bringing a strategic element to brand development as you grow. We are not the company we were 7 years ago when we started DabApps, and our core values have always been based on quality, openness and mutual respect. These values are still at the heart of our company but in the intervening years we have grown and matured into a highly respected, and sought after “agency of choice”. We serve both startups and established businesses looking for a software partner to help them succeed as they enter a new business development cycle.
How we communicate our values, our skills, our successes and how we like to work with our clients and partners has never been more important to us. We want to work with likeminded businesses with whom our message resonates. Adjusting our brand so that it more clearly defines who we are, allows those who wish to work with us to “tune in” more easily.
We are incredibly grateful to Puree for their work on our brand identity and look forward to continuing our happy collaboration into the future.

Puree has been a design partner to DabApps for a number years on various client projects, so it’s been a pleasure to collaborate with the DabApps team again to refresh their own brand and web presence. By helping them get to the root of what makes the team tick we’ve created a site and illustration style that genuinely reflect DabApps’ unique personality and ethos.