We are in a climate emergency. The planet is heating up, nature is being decimated, weather systems are destabilising, and pollution is intensifying. Humanity must address this, or nothing else…
A few weeks ago, a blog post by software engineer and Python Software Foundation fellow Hynek Schlawack lamented the recent lack of conversation in the Python community around building and…
How we engineer our applications. Keeping up with the latest technologies in the rapidly changing world of web development can be challenging. You hear terms such as “single-page application”, “API”…
This post is in response to an article from last week – Why You Shouldn’t Use “Markdown” for Documentation. I use Markdown daily for working with project documentation. Django REST…
Following a huge couple of years in business and incredible feedback from the people who matter most – our clients – we thought it was high-time we put ourselves in…
The ‘AOGsmart Tool’ is the new online parts, logistics, tooling and technical expertise sourcing and procurement platform for airlines and their suppliers, “when every second counts”. We partnered…